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Reply to "AZ Run XVI"

Thanks. May take you guys up on the offer. I'm getting a pop when I make a tight turn to the left. That's why I'm thinking the cv axle is an issue. Upper and lower ball joints are all around a year old. New tie rods last year. I rebuilt the steering last year. I had an alignment last month. I think that leaves an axle or hub. I had some issue with the hub on the driver side popping when 4wd was engaged. When I know what's broken I can generally fix it it. I'm not terribly good at troubleshooting though, so I'm pretty much going from easiest to hardest to fix. My knowledge is limited. I'm just handy

Thinking of also reindexing the torsion bars to soften the front end. It's riding kinda harsh and clunky. Just a notch or two. 

Last edited by TieRod Johnson

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