A/C done. Spring pack rebuild done. Drive belts done. Replaced radiator this past weekend. I found a hairline crack at the top; barely started leaking. Upgraded to a 2-row radiator so I ended up having to trim a little plastic on the shroud by the steering pump to get everything to fit. Replaced the clutch fan blades; cracked out. Had to have the radiator bracket remade to fit the radiator better without straining the mounts. Hillbilly repaired a variety of body cracks in the radiator core support. Replaced a bunch of hoses. Still have a couple things left to do like put the hubs on and replace O2 sensors which seem to be really stuck in there good; or I'm just wimpy. Feeling the pressure to get this crap done. It's been really slow going on the truck since my grandma had a hemorrhagic stroke 6 weeks ago and I spend a lot of my free time with her.