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I want to know about your storage plans?!?! I was thinking about an ARB awning for the truck, they aren't too expensive and get good reviews, but the idea of bad weather also make me want my roof top tent, but of course when it comes to fabrication I am about as creative as a Klingon so I will wait and see what Brent has in store while getting ideas from Expedition portal.

I think I have an axle or hub issue I need to fix well before the run. Hoping it's just the hub and not the cv axle. Radiator is showing signs it might crap out on me by summer; running warmer than usual and it's winter time. Radiator is 12 years old. Dammit, I need AC this summer. I need to replace a tube then hope it'll take a charge and not leak. I have a rear spring pack that needs some attention, but I need to get the right ubolts before I even think of taking it apart.  Plan on getting a 6th tire for the run. I'll pretty much be sleeping in a tent or in the truck. With the run being September, I probably won't sleep out in the open on a cot.....bugs, flying teeth.

Last edited by TieRod Johnson

Georgie, you're welcome to come dig through my junk pile...may have some OEM Ubolts...probably not a full set but at least a couple.

what's the axle/hub issue?

Betcha Brent would be willing to help out with charging your AC system if you want to just buy and replace the parts rather than taking it in and paying through the nose.

Thanks. May take you guys up on the offer. I'm getting a pop when I make a tight turn to the left. That's why I'm thinking the cv axle is an issue. Upper and lower ball joints are all around a year old. New tie rods last year. I rebuilt the steering last year. I had an alignment last month. I think that leaves an axle or hub. I had some issue with the hub on the driver side popping when 4wd was engaged. When I know what's broken I can generally fix it it. I'm not terribly good at troubleshooting though, so I'm pretty much going from easiest to hardest to fix. My knowledge is limited. I'm just handy

Thinking of also reindexing the torsion bars to soften the front end. It's riding kinda harsh and clunky. Just a notch or two. 

Last edited by TieRod Johnson

Reindexing Tbars won't do anything for ride.  unless you were bottoming out before or you have them cranked to where you're on the bumpstops for down travel.  Regardless of where they're indexed, the ride quality will be the same because the spring rate doesn't change...they still settle to where they're going to settle with the weight of the truck on them.  As long as where they sit is in the operating range of the suspension, you're fine where you are.

As for the pop, get under the truck and crank down those 4 bolts on the front most cross member.  Popping from there is pretty common.  See if it goes away.  Otherwise, another set of hubs should be easy enough to find,  and reman'd axles are under $100 and can be replaced in about 30 minutes.

Andy, I let Jay know about this run and he is going to look at his schedule to see if he can make it.  He went wheeling with a bunch of us in KY this past week so I let him know I was planning on heading out.  I also have drummed up some interest and there may be one or two other rigs that caravan out with me.  Too early to tell for sure but when I mention the Grand Canyon people get excited!

Desert Rat posted:

Ok.  don't expect anything extreme on this trip unless we get a lot of weather.  This one is for the views and the remoteness.

If it rains a lot (which it very well may - Arizona Monsoon season), then some of the backroads could get real fun.

I think that is exactly what people are interested in, not doing hardcore wheeling but getting out and seeing the back country.  That's why I am not planning to bring the Frontier and instead bought that Xterra.  Bryan G is definitely heading out with me, the only question is whether he wants to also bring his new-to-him Xterra that he bought just over a month ago.  We even batted around the idea of towing one with the other most of the way out there.

Last edited by OnlyOneDR

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