needs to go faster for sure
7 (hory shrit!)
Grocery shopping Sunday....may need a separate beer cart.
I have a lot of prepping to do this weekend. I have pulled out zero camping gear and haven't decided what to eat. I'm really slacking but I'll probably have most of it done by Sunday night then it's a matter of packing the truck. It might take me all 4 days to do it if alcohol is involved.
Desert Rat posted:Grocery shopping Sunday....may need a separate beer cart.
Only one?
Ready to load the truck. Bankrupted myself at walmart today....lol
We've already started packing. It's nice when we can just leave the trailer in the garage.
Ran thru the truck fluids and checked bolts; greased her good. Tested the CB. Fetched some wood. Still need food and fuel.
Where the hell did I put that give a damn? I'm supposed to take it with me to work tomorrow.
I filled all the fuel tanks tonight and turned on the fridge in the trailer...
Not sure I'm going to make it through the week with my job intact...
I'm feeling the pressure now. I'll be hustling tonight to complete something. Still deciding on bringing the pup. He did great on the last camp out but he's still a puppy. Will test drive him this weekend.
Curious how many peeps we are up to
quite a few. We could have upwards of 16-17 trucks some days
I changed oil on the Ford last night...Hoping that's the extent of what I need to do on the truck. Clothes are packed and everything is piled up in the garage ready to be loaded.
Fridge will get plugged in Thursday. Loading will commence between meetings on Friday. expecting to get going sometime after 2pm, depending on work.
This week is nuts with conf calls that I'm having a really tough time paying attention to or giving a damn about......
I was so productive yesterday. Today? My motivation at work is lacking and I can only assume that'll continue to slide in a southerly direction. Vacation brain.
Long time since I have posted here, will make it out, just not sure what days yet. Bringing the LandCruiser, just need to replace PS pump and a couple of hoses to be drip free.
Glad to see you back Gumy!